Global Opportunities - 上学校 - McDonogh School-十大最佳博彩网站排名

Global Opportunities

McDonogh offers a variety of global travel opportunities. 上学校 students may apply to participate in two-to-three week exchanges 和 language or 文化 immersion trips to 法国, 西班牙, 意大利, 中国。, 秘鲁, 和日本.


The French exchange occurs every two years with Sainte Catherine School in Aix-en-Provence, located in the South of 法国. 学生 live with host families for a week 和 a half, attending school 和 touring the area. 学生 experience the many historical, 文化, 和 natural sites the area has to offer, including but not limited to Roman aqueducts 和 colosseums, 自然保护区, 博物馆, 城市, 和 important l和marks. They also spend several days in Paris seeing the sites, sampling the cuisine, 和 soaking up the culture. In turn, French students visit Baltimore for two weeks in the spring.


The Spanish exchange with Colegio San Agustin in Valladolid, 西班牙, occurs every two years. 学生 spend two 和 a half weeks living with host families, attending the last days of school before Spanish summer vacation 和 touring surrounding 城市 such as Segovia 和 Salamanca. 学生 also spend several days in Madrid exploring the city 和 visiting famous sites like the Prado, 皇家城堡, 和其他人. San Agustin students visit McDonogh for two weeks in September.


The Chinese exchange occurs every two years with Xinhua School. 学生 live with a host family in Tianjin, 中国。, 和 also tour 城市 such as Beijing, 上海, 和苏州. They visit sites such as Tiananmen Square 和 the Great Wall 和 experience Chinese culture by learning Tai Chi 和 practicing Chinese cooking techniques. Xinhua students visit McDonogh in January during the Chinese New Year.


上学校 students travel to Japan every two years as part of McDonogh’s longest-running exchange (29 years) with Seijo-Gakuen High School. The students live with a host family 和 attend classes. They immerse themselves in Japanese culture by participating in tea ceremonies, learning calligraphy, 和 preparing Japanese cuisine. 学生 explore Tokyo with their host families 和 travel to Kyoto or Nara with the host school. Seijo-Gakuen students 和 teachers visit McDonogh for two weeks in the spring.

Travel Study in 秘鲁

上学校 students travel to 秘鲁 every two years. 学生 live with a host family for a week while attending intensive Spanish classes in the city of Cusco. The students then visit ancient sites such as Macchu Pichu 和 the Sacred Valley. They also experience the splendor of nature in 秘鲁. 学生 also engage in community service initiatives during their stay in 秘鲁.

Choir Concert Trip

McDonogh's Concert Choir offers members the opportunity to experience a professional international tour where they perform 和 learn a new culture. The trip is offered every two or three years during the summer. Recent Concert Choir members have performed in Great Britain, 意大利, the Czech Republic, 加拿大, 波兰, 克罗地亚, 俄罗斯, 西班牙, 法国, 和秘鲁. The most recent trip, in 2017, took the choir to Sicily.


The Bell’Italia 文化 tour of 意大利 occurs every two years during spring break. Stops include Venice, Florence, Siena, Assisi, Rome, Pompeii, Sorrento, 和 Capri. 学生 visit the iconic sites of the ancient Roman civilization, see great works of Renaissance art, 和, 当然, 享受美食.

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